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How to run a validator

Validators are nodes that choose to participate in the rollup protocol to advance the state of the chain securely. Since the activation of BoLD, chains can now choose to make validation permissionless. You can learn more in the BoLD introduction.

This page describes the different strategies a validator may follow and provides instructions on how to run a validator for an Arbitrum chain.

This how-to assumes that you're familiar with the following:

Validation strategies

Validators can be configured to follow a specific validation strategy. Here we describe what strategies are available in Nitro:

StrategyDescriptionGas usage
DefensiveThis validator will follow the chain and if it's local state disagrees with an onchain assertion, this validator will post a stake and create a challenge to defend the chainOnly acts if a bad assertion is found
StakeLatestThis validator will initially stake on the latest correct assertion found, and then move the stake whenever new correct assertions are created. It will also challenge any bad assertions that it finds (this strategy is only available in pre-BoLD chains)Gas used every time a new assertion is created
ResolveNodesThis validator will stay staked on the latest assertion found, resolve any unconfirmed assertions, and it will challenge any bad assertions that it findsGas used every time a new assertion is created and to resolve unconfirmed assertions
MakeNodesThis validator continuously creates new assertions, resolves any unconfirmed assertions, and challenges bad assertions found. Note that if there is more than one MakeNodes validator running, they might all try to create a new assertion simultaneously. In that case, only one will be successful, while the others will have their transactions revertedGas used to create new assertions, move the stake to the latest one, and resolve unconfirmed assertions

The watchtower strategy

One more validation strategy is available for all types of nodes: watchtower. This strategy is enabled by default in all nodes (full and archive), and it doesn't require a wallet, as it never takes any action onchain.

A node in watchtower mode will immediately log an error if an onchain assertion deviates from the locally computed chain state.

found incorrect assertion in watchtower mode

To verify that the watchtower mode is enabled, this line should appear in the logs:

INFO [09-28|18:43:49.367] running as validator                     txSender=nil actingAsWallet=nil whitelisted=false strategy=Watchtower

Additionally, the following logs indicate whether all components are working correctly:

  • The log line validation succeeded shows that the node is validating chain blocks successfully
  • The log line found correct assertion shows that the node is finding assertions on the parent chain successfully

Watchtower mode adds a small amount of execution and memory overhead to your node. You can deactivate this mode using the parameter --node.staker.enable=false.

How to run a validator node

This section explains how to configure your node to act as a validator.

Step 0: prerequisites

A validator node is a regular full node with validation enabled, so you'll have to know how to configure a full node. You can find instructions here.

Additionally, you'll need a wallet with enough funds to perform actions onchain and enough tokens to stake. Keep in mind that:

  • The token used to perform actions onchain is the native token of the parent chain (usually ETH)
  • For chains with BoLD activated, the token used to stake depends on the chain configuration. For Arbitrum One and Arbitrum Nova, the staking token is WETH
  • For chains that don't have BoLD activated, the token used to stake is the native token of the parent chain (usually ETH)

Step 1: configure and run your validator

On top of the configuration of a regular full node, you'll need to configure the following parameters for it to act as a validator:

--node.staker.enabletrueEnables validation
--node.staker.strategyWatchtower, Defensive, StakeLatest, ResolveNodes, MakeNodesStrategy that your node will use (only needed if BoLD is not enabled)
--node.staker.parent-chain-wallet.private-key0xPrivateKeyPrivate key of the wallet used to perform the operations onchain. Use either private-key or password (below)
--node.staker.parent-chain-wallet.passwordPasswordPassword of a wallet generated with nitro (see instructions here). Use either private-key (above) or password
--node.bold.enabletrueEnables validation with BoLD (not needed if BoLD is not activated)
--node.bold.strategyWatchtower, Defensive, ResolveNodes, MakeNodesStrategy that your node will use (not needed if BoLD is not activated)

Here's an example of how to run a defensive validator for Arbitrum One:

docker run --rm -it  -v /some/local/dir/arbitrum:/home/user/.arbitrum offchainlabs/nitro-node:v3.5.3-0a9c975 --parent-chain.connection.url=https://l1-mainnet-node:8545 --node.staker.enable --node.staker.strategy=Defensive --node.staker.parent-chain-wallet.password="SOME SECURE PASSWORD" --node.bold.enable --node.bold.strategy=Defensive

Step 2: verify that your node is running as a validator

To verify that your node is acting as a validator, you can look for the following log line:

INFO [09-28|18:43:49.367] running as validator                     txSender=0x... actingAsWallet=0x... whitelisted=true strategy=Defensive

Note that strategy should be the configured strategy. txSender and actingAsWallet should both be present and not nil.

Furthermore, the following logs will indicate that all components are working as intended:

  • The log line validation succeeded shows that the node is validating chain blocks successfully
  • The log line found correct assertion shows that the node is finding assertions on the parent chain successfully

Run a validator for an Orbit chain

Validation for Orbit chains works the same way as for DAO-governed Arbitrum chains. However, as specified in How to run a node, you need to include the information of the chain when configuring your node by using<Orbit chain's info>

Additionally, keep in mind that some chains might not have BoLD activated yet, so BoLD-specific parameters will not be needed.

Advanced features

Use Nitro to create a wallet for your validator

Clear passwords in the command line

This section shows how to manage a validator wallet using a password. Like any command that requires passing a password or private key, you should take extra precautions to secure your credentials. Failure to protect your password may compromise your validator wallet.

Nitro includes a tool to create a validator wallet for a specific chain automatically. You can access it by using the option --node.staker.parent-chain-wallet.only-create-key and setting a password for the wallet with --node.staker.parent-chain-wallet.password.

Here is an example of how to create a validator wallet for Arbitrum One and exit:

docker run --rm -it  -v /some/local/dir/arbitrum:/home/user/.arbitrum offchainlabs/nitro-node:v3.5.3-0a9c975 --parent-chain.connection.url=https://l1-mainnet-node:8545 --node.staker.enable --node.staker.parent-chain-wallet.only-create-key --node.staker.parent-chain-wallet.password="SOME SECURE PASSWORD"

The wallet file will be created under the mounted directory inside the <chain-name>/wallet/ directory (for example, arb1/wallet/ for Arbitrum One, or nova/wallet/ for Arbitrum Nova). Be sure to backup the wallet file, as it will be the only way to withdraw the stake when desired.

Once the wallet is created, you can instruct your validator to use it by adding the option --node.staker.parent-chain-wallet.password="SOME SECURE PASSWORD" when running your node.

Use environment variables

If you prefer not to include your password in the command line, you can use environment variables or a secure secrets management solution to supply the password at runtime.

How to add new validators to the allowlist (Orbit chains)

On permissioned validation setups, the set of validators that can act on a given chain is limited to the ones added to the allowlist of validators in the Rollup contract.

Follow these instructions to add a new validator address to the allowlist. Remember that you need to be able to perform admin actions to the chain to complete this operation.

  1. Find your upgradeExecutor contract address
  2. Call the executeCall method of the upgradeExecutor contract:
    • set the target address to your Rollup contract's address
    • set the targetCalldata to 0xa3ffb772{Your new allowlist validator address} (0xa3ffb772 is the signature of setValidator(address[],bool[])). For example, if you want to add the address 0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890, your targetCalldata should be 0xa3ffb7721234567890123456789012345678901234567890.
  3. Call your Rollup contract's isValidator(address) and check the result

After performing this operation, the new validator will be able to run a validator node to participate in the chain.