How to run a local full chain simulation
A local full-chain simulation allows you to deploy and test smart contracts in a fully controlled environment. This how-to walks you through the process of setting up and running a complete development environment on your local machine, including a Nitro node, a dev-mode Geth parent chain, and multiple instances with different roles.
Note that the node is now Stylus-enabled by default, and the setup instructions remain the same as for running a Stylus dev node.
Step 1. Install prerequisites
You'll need Docker and docker compose to run your node. Follow the instructions on their site to install them.
Step 2. Clone the nitro-testnode repo
You'll need the release
`git clone -b release --recurse-submodules && cd nitro-testnode`
Step 3. Run your node
./test-node.bash --init
Step 4. Successive runs
To relaunch the node after the first installation, run the following command.
Running the --init flag will clear all chain data and redeploy!
Rollup contract addresses and chain configuration
You can obtain the rollup chain configuration by running the following command. The chain configuration also includes the addresses of the core contracts.
docker exec nitro-testnode-sequencer-1 cat /config/l2_chain_info.json
You can find other available configuration files by running:
docker exec nitro-testnode-sequencer-1 ls /config
Token bridge
An parent-child chain token bridge can be deployed by using the parameter --tokenbridge
. The list of contracts can be found by running:
docker compose run --entrypoint sh tokenbridge -c "cat l1l2_network.json"
Running an L3 chain
An L3 chain can be deployed on top of the child chain (L2), by using the parameter --l3node
. Its chain configuration can be found by running:
docker exec nitro-testnode-sequencer-1 cat /config/l3_chain_info.json
When deploying an L3 chain, the following parameters are also available:
: Uses a custom gas token for the L3 (symbol $APP), deployed on L2 at address 0x9b7c0fcc305ca36412f87fd6bd08c194909a7d4e
: Deploys an L2-L3 token bridge. The list of contracts can be found by running docker compose run --entrypoint sh tokenbridge -c "cat l2l3_network.json"
Additional arguments
You can find a list of additional arguments to use with test-node.bash
by using --help
./test-node.bash --help
Helper scripts
The repository includes a set of helper scripts for basic actions like funding accounts or bridging funds. You can see a list of the available scripts by running:
./test-node.bash script --help
If you want to see information of a particular script, you can add the name of the script to the help command.
./test-node.bash script send-l1 --help
Here's an example of how to run the script that funds an address on L2. Replace 0x11223344556677889900
with the address you want to fund.
./test-node.bash script send-l2 --to address_0x11223344556677889900 --ethamount 5
Nitro comes with a local Blockscout block explorer. To access it, add the param --blockscout
when running your node.
./test-node.bash --blockscout
The block explorer will be available at http://localhost:4000
Default endpoints and addresses
Node RPC endpoints are available at:
Node | Chain id | RPC endpoint |
L1 geth devnet | 1337 | http://localhost:8545 |
L2 nitro devnet | 412346 | http://localhost:8547 and ws://localhost:8548 |
L3 nitro (if enabled) | 333333 | http://localhost:3347 |
Some important addresses:
Role | Public address | Private key |
Sequencer | 0xe2148eE53c0755215Df69b2616E552154EdC584f | 0xcb5790da63720727af975f42c79f69918580209889225fa7128c92402a6d3a65 |
Validator | 0x6A568afe0f82d34759347bb36F14A6bB171d2CBe | 0x182fecf15bdf909556a0f617a63e05ab22f1493d25a9f1e27c228266c772a890 |
L2 rollup owner | 0x5E1497dD1f08C87b2d8FE23e9AAB6c1De833D927 | 0xdc04c5399f82306ec4b4d654a342f40e2e0620fe39950d967e1e574b32d4dd36 |
L3 rollup owner (if enabled) | 0x863c904166E801527125D8672442D736194A3362 | 0xecdf21cb41c65afb51f91df408b7656e2c8739a5877f2814add0afd780cc210e |
L3 sequencer (if enabled) | 0x3E6134aAD4C4d422FF2A4391Dc315c4DDf98D1a5 | 0x90f899754eb42949567d3576224bf533a20857bf0a60318507b75fcb3edc6f5f |
Dev account (prefunded with ETH in all networks) | 0x3f1Eae7D46d88F08fc2F8ed27FCb2AB183EB2d0E | 0xb6b15c8cb491557369f3c7d2c287b053eb229daa9c22138887752191c9520659 |
You can fund other addresses by using the scripts send-l1
and send-l2
as explained here.
Do not use any of these addresses in a production environment.
Optional parameters
Here, We show a list of the parameters that might be useful when running a local devnode. You can also use the flag ./test-node.bash --help
to get them.
Flag | Description |
--init | Removes all the data, rebuilds, and deploys a new rollup |
--pos | L1 is a proof-of-stake chain (using Prysm for consensus) |
--validate | Validates all blocks in WASM, heavy computation |
--l3node | Deploys an L3 node on top of the L2 |
--l3-fee-token | Sets up the L3 chain to use a custom fee token. Only valid if --l3node flag is provided |
--l3-fee-token-decimals | Number of decimals to use for a custom fee token. Only valid if --l3-fee-token flag is provided |
--l3-token-bridge | Deploys an L2-L3 token bridge. Only valid if --l3node flag is provided |
--batchposters | Batch posters [0-3] |
--redundantsequencers | Redundant sequencers [0-3] |
--detach | Detaches from nodes after running them |
--blockscout | Builds or launches the Blockscout |
--simple | Runs a simple configuration: one node as a sequencer/batch-poster/staker (default unless using --dev ) |
--tokenbridge | Deploy an L1-L2 token bridge |
--no-tokenbridge | Opt out of building or launching the token bridge |
--no-run | Does not launch nodes (useful with build or init) |
--no-simple | Runs a full configuration with separate sequencer/batch-poster/validator/relayer |