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Bridge tokens via Arbitrum’s generic-custom gateway

In this how-to you’ll learn how to bridge your own token between Ethereum (parent chain) and Arbitrum (child chain), using Arbitrum’s generic-custom gateway. For alternative ways of bridging tokens, don’t forget to check out this overview.

Familiarity with Arbitrum’s token bridge system, smart contracts, and blockchain development is expected. If you’re new to blockchain development, consider reviewing our Quickstart: Build a dApp with Arbitrum (Solidity, Hardhat) before proceeding. We will use Arbitrum’s SDK throughout this how-to, although no prior knowledge is required.

We will go through all steps involved in the process. However, if you want to jump straight to the code, we have created this script in our tutorials repository that encapsulates the entire process.

Step 1: Review the prerequisites

As stated in the token bridge conceptual page, there are a few prerequisites to keep in mind while using this method to make a token bridgeable.

First of all, the parent chain counterpart of the token, must conform to the ICustomToken interface. This means that:

  • It must have a isArbitrumEnabled method that returns 0xb1
  • It must have a method that makes an external call to L1CustomGateway.registerCustomL2Token specifying the address of the child chain contract, and to L1GatewayRouter.setGateway specifying the address of the custom gateway. These calls should be made only once to configure the gateway.

These methods are needed to register the token via the gateway contract. If your parent chain contract does not include these methods and it is not upgradeable, registration could alternatively be performed in one of these ways:

  • As a chain-owner registration via an Arbitrum DAO proposal.
  • By wrapping your parent chain token and registering the wrapped version of your token.

Keep in mind that this registration can only be done once.

Also, the child chain counterpart of the token, must conform to the IArbToken interface. This means that:

  • It must havebridgeMint and bridgeBurn methods only callable by the L2CustomGateway contract
  • It must have an l1Address view method that returns the address of the token on the parent chain
Token compatibility with available tooling

If you want your token to be compatible out of the box with all the tooling available (e.g., the Arbitrum bridge), we recommend that you keep the implementation of the IArbToken interface as close as possible to the L2GatewayToken implementation example.

For example, if an allowance check is added to the bridgeBurn() function, the token will not be easily withdrawable through the Arbitrum bridge UI, as the UI does not prompt an approval transaction of tokens by default (it expects the tokens to follow the recommended L2GatewayToken implementation).

Step 2: Create a token and deploy it on the parent chain

We‘ll begin the process by creating and deploying on the parent chain a sample token to bridge. If you already have a token contract on the parent chain, you don’t need to perform this step.

However, you will need to upgrade the contract if it doesn’t include the required methods described in the previous step.

We first create a standard ERC-20 contract using OpenZeppelin’s implementation. We make only one adjustment to that implementation, for simplicity, although it is not required: we specify an initialSupply to be pre-minted and sent to the deployer address upon creation.

We’ll also add the required methods to make our token bridgeable via the generic-custom gateway.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "./interfaces/ICustomToken.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";

* @title Interface needed to call function registerTokenToL2 of the L1CustomGateway
interface IL1CustomGateway {
function registerTokenToL2(
address _l2Address,
uint256 _maxGas,
uint256 _gasPriceBid,
uint256 _maxSubmissionCost,
address _creditBackAddress
) external payable returns (uint256);

* @title Interface needed to call function setGateway of the L2GatewayRouter
interface IL2GatewayRouter {
function setGateway(
address _gateway,
uint256 _maxGas,
uint256 _gasPriceBid,
uint256 _maxSubmissionCost,
address _creditBackAddress
) external payable returns (uint256);

contract L1Token is Ownable, ICustomToken, ERC20 {
address private customGatewayAddress;
address private routerAddress;
bool private shouldRegisterGateway;

* @dev See {ERC20-constructor} and {Ownable-constructor}
* An initial supply amount is passed, which is preminted to the deployer.
constructor(address _customGatewayAddress, address _routerAddress, uint256 _initialSupply) ERC20("L1CustomToken", "LCT") {
customGatewayAddress = _customGatewayAddress;
routerAddress = _routerAddress;
_mint(msg.sender, _initialSupply * 10 ** decimals());

/// @dev we only set shouldRegisterGateway to true when in `registerTokenOnL2`
function isArbitrumEnabled() external view override returns (uint8) {
require(shouldRegisterGateway, "NOT_EXPECTED_CALL");
return uint8(0xb1);

/// @dev See {ICustomToken-registerTokenOnL2}
function registerTokenOnL2(
address l2CustomTokenAddress,
uint256 maxSubmissionCostForCustomGateway,
uint256 maxSubmissionCostForRouter,
uint256 maxGasForCustomGateway,
uint256 maxGasForRouter,
uint256 gasPriceBid,
uint256 valueForGateway,
uint256 valueForRouter,
address creditBackAddress
) public override payable onlyOwner {
// we temporarily set `shouldRegisterGateway` to true for the callback in registerTokenToL2 to succeed
bool prev = shouldRegisterGateway;
shouldRegisterGateway = true;

IL1CustomGateway(customGatewayAddress).registerTokenToL2{ value: valueForGateway }(

IL2GatewayRouter(routerAddress).setGateway{ value: valueForRouter }(

shouldRegisterGateway = prev;

/// @dev See {ERC20-transferFrom}
function transferFrom(
address sender,
address recipient,
uint256 amount
) public override(ICustomToken, ERC20) returns (bool) {
return super.transferFrom(sender, recipient, amount);

/// @dev See {ERC20-balanceOf}
function balanceOf(address account) public view override(ICustomToken, ERC20) returns (uint256) {
return super.balanceOf(account);

We now deploy that token to the parent chain.

const { ethers } = require('hardhat');
const { providers, Wallet } = require('ethers');
const { getArbitrumNetwork } = require('@arbitrum/sdk');

const walletPrivateKey = process.env.DEVNET_PRIVKEY;
const l1Provider = new providers.JsonRpcProvider(process.env.L1RPC);
const l2Provider = new providers.JsonRpcProvider(process.env.L2RPC);
const l1Wallet = new Wallet(walletPrivateKey, l1Provider);

* For the purpose of our tests, here we deploy an standard ERC20 token (L1Token) to L1
* It sends its deployer (us) the initial supply of 1000
const main = async () => {
* Use l2Network to get the token bridge addresses needed to deploy the token
const l2Network = await getArbitrumNetwork(l2Provider);

const l1Gateway = l2Network.tokenBridge.l1CustomGateway;
const l1Router = l2Network.tokenBridge.l1GatewayRouter;

* Deploy our custom token smart contract to L1
* We give the custom token contract the address of l1CustomGateway and l1GatewayRouter as well as the initial supply (premine)
console.log('Deploying the test L1Token to L1:');
const L1Token = await (await ethers.getContractFactory('L1Token')).connect(l1Wallet);
const l1Token = await L1Token.deploy(l1Gateway, l1Router, 1000);

await l1Token.deployed();
console.log(`L1Token is deployed to L1 at ${l1Token.address}`);

* Get the deployer token balance
const tokenBalance = await l1Token.balanceOf(l1Wallet.address);
console.log(`Initial token balance of deployer: ${tokenBalance}`);

.then(() => process.exit(0))
.catch((error) => {

Step 3: Create a token and deploy it on the child chain

We’ll now create and deploy on the child chain the counterpart of the token we created on the parent chain.

We’ll create a standard ERC-20 contract using OpenZeppelin’s implementation, and add the required methods from IArbToken.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "./interfaces/IArbToken.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";

contract L2Token is ERC20, IArbToken {
address public l2Gateway;
address public override l1Address;

modifier onlyL2Gateway() {
require(msg.sender == l2Gateway, "NOT_GATEWAY");

constructor(address _l2Gateway, address _l1TokenAddress) ERC20("L2CustomToken", "LCT") {
l2Gateway = _l2Gateway;
l1Address = _l1TokenAddress;

* @notice should increase token supply by amount, and should only be callable by the L2Gateway.
function bridgeMint(address account, uint256 amount) external override onlyL2Gateway {
_mint(account, amount);

* @notice should decrease token supply by amount, and should only be callable by the L2Gateway.
function bridgeBurn(address account, uint256 amount) external override onlyL2Gateway {
_burn(account, amount);

// Add any extra functionality you want your token to have.

We now deploy that token to the child chain.

const { ethers } = require('hardhat');
const { providers, Wallet } = require('ethers');
const { getArbitrumNetwork } = require('@arbitrum/sdk');

const walletPrivateKey = process.env.DEVNET_PRIVKEY;
const l2Provider = new providers.JsonRpcProvider(process.env.L2RPC);
const l2Wallet = new Wallet(walletPrivateKey, l2Provider);

const l1TokenAddress = '<address of the l1 token deployed in the previous step>';

* For the purpose of our tests, here we deploy an standard ERC20 token (L2Token) to L2
const main = async () => {
* Use l2Network to get the token bridge addresses needed to deploy the token
const l2Network = await getArbitrumNetwork(l2Provider);
const l2Gateway = l2Network.tokenBridge.childCustomGateway;

* Deploy our custom token smart contract to L2
* We give the custom token contract the address of childCustomGateway as well as the address of the counterpart L1 token
console.log('Deploying the test L2Token to L2:');
const L2Token = await (await ethers.getContractFactory('L2Token')).connect(l2Wallet);
const l2Token = await L2Token.deploy(l2Gateway, l1TokenAddress);

await l2Token.deployed();
console.log(`L2Token is deployed to L2 at ${l2Token.address}`);

.then(() => process.exit(0))
.catch((error) => {

Step 4: Register the custom token to the generic-custom gateway

Once both our contracts are deployed in their respective chains, it’s time to register the token in the generic-custom gateway.

As mentioned before, this action needs to be done by the parent chain token, and we’ve implemented the function registerTokenOnL2 to do it. So now we only need to call that function.

When using this function two actions will be performed:

  1. Call function registerTokenToL2 of L1CustomGateway. This will change the l1ToL2Token internal mapping it holds and will send a retryable ticket to the counterpart L2CustomGateway contract on the child chain, to also set its mapping to the new values.
  2. Call function setGateway of L1GatewayRouter. This will change the l1TokenToGateway internal mapping it holds and will send a retryable ticket to the counterpart L2GatewayRouter contract on the child chain, to also set its mapping to the new values.

To simplify the process, we’ll use Arbitrum’s SDK. We’ll call the method registerCustomToken of the AdminErc20Bridger class, which will call the registerTokenOnL2 method of the token passed by parameter.

* Register custom token on our custom gateway
const adminTokenBridger = new AdminErc20Bridger(l2Network);
const registerTokenTx = await adminTokenBridger.registerCustomToken(

const registerTokenRec = await registerTokenTx.wait();
`Registering token txn confirmed on L1! 🙌 L1 receipt is: ${registerTokenRec.transactionHash}`,

* The L1 side is confirmed; now we listen and wait for the L2 side to be executed; we can do this by computing the expected txn hash of the L2 transaction.
* To compute this txn hash, we need our message's "sequence numbers", unique identifiers of each L1 to L2 message.
* We'll fetch them from the event logs with a helper method.
const l1ToL2Msgs = await registerTokenRec.getParentToChildMessages(l2Provider);

* In principle, a single L1 txn can trigger any number of L1-to-L2 messages (each with its own sequencer number).
* In this case, the registerTokenOnL2 method created 2 L1-to-L2 messages;
* - (1) one to set the L1 token to the Custom Gateway via the Router, and
* - (2) another to set the L1 token to its L2 token address via the Generic-Custom Gateway
* Here, We check if both messages are redeemed on L2
expect(l1ToL2Msgs.length, 'Should be 2 messages.').to.eq(2);

const setTokenTx = await l1ToL2Msgs[0].waitForStatus();
expect(setTokenTx.status, 'Set token not redeemed.').to.eq(ParentToChildMessageStatus.REDEEMED);

const setGateways = await l1ToL2Msgs[1].waitForStatus();
expect(setGateways.status, 'Set gateways not redeemed.').to.eq(ParentToChildMessageStatus.REDEEMED);

'Your custom token is now registered on our custom gateway 🥳 Go ahead and make the deposit!',


Once this step is done, your parent and child chain tokens will be connected through the generic-custom gateway.

You can bridge tokens between the parent and child chain using the origin parent chain token and the custom token deployed on the child chain, along with the router and gateway contracts from each layer.

If you want to see an example of bridging a token from the parent to child chain using Arbitrum’s SDK, you can check out How to bridge tokens via Arbitrum’s standard ERC-20 gateway, where the process is described in steps 2-5.

Frequently asked questions

Can I run the same register token process multiple times for the same parent chain token?

No, you can only register once a child chain token for the same parent chain token. After that, the call to registerTokenToL2 will revert if run again.

What can I do if my parent chain token is not upgradable?

As mentioned in the concept page, the token registration can alternatively be performed as a chain-owner registration via Arbitrum DAO proposal.

Can I set up the generic-custom gateway after a standard ERC-20 token exists on the child chain?

Yes, if your token has a standard ERC-20 counterpart on the child chain, you can go through the process of registering your custom child chain token as outlined in this page. At that moment, your parent chain token will have two counterpart tokens on the child chain, but only your new custom child chain token will be minted when depositing tokens from the parent chain (parent-to-child chain bridging). Both child chain tokens will be withdrawable (child-to-parent chain bridging), so users holding the old standard ERC-20 token will be able to withdraw back to the parent chain (using the L2CustomGateway contract instead of the bridge UI) and then deposit to the child chain to get the new custom child chain tokens.


  1. Concept page: Token Bridge
  2. Arbitrum SDK
  3. Token bridge contract addresses )